
お肉(Oniku) - Promo 2008

Japan Meat Goregrind!!!
He Releaced many Compiration V.A & Free Download mp3.
I complete his mp3.
and I have more his demo mp3.
Do you want this!?

I like his sound!!!!!

Rorikiller - Torn Apart By The Tentacle (2008)

Rorikiller releaced from UGU in Japan label!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ultra great grind noise!
Akiba Maid Cafe
Cute And Raped
Feeding On Young Fresh Loli Flesh
Spiritual Samurai Catharsis

Rorikiller & No.305 - Split (2009)

Rorikiller & No.305 - Split (2009)

Rorikiller from Horanda!

№305 from Japan!

No.305 - アナ・コッポラ [Ana Coppora]

No.305 - 雛子のおうた [Hinako no outa]

No.305 - こよりは巨乳、小麦は貧乳 [koyori ha kyonyu, komugi ha hinnyu]

No.305 - おんぷたん [onputan]

No.305 - ぱんつはいてない [pantsu haitenai]

No.305 - 翠星石ロック [misuhoshiseki Rock]

No.305 - とかちつくちて [tokachitsukuchite]

No.305 - ぽぽたん [popotan]

Rorikiller - 2can attack

Rorikiller - Mizuki Sakaki

Rorikiller - Moe Assault

Rorikiller - Sia-chan

Rorikiller - The Walk To School

Rorikiller - Tokimeki


Goreshit & DJ Ninja Love Mistake - Split On UGU (2008)

Hentai Break Core! Harsh Noise! and anime!
must download!!!!

DJ 3.14159... - inaumadosexual (2008)

Hentai-Core from Finland!?!?
full name is dj 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286208998628034825342117067982148086513282306647093844609550582231725359408

01. I Love Panties
02. I Love Pokemon
03. I Love Ethnic Diversity
04. I Love Suzumiya Haruhi


zr3a - 080722 (2008)

Great Violence Harsh Noise!!!!!!!!
For Fan Of Merzbow!


Princess Army Wedding Combat & No.305 - Split (2008)

Super anime noise split!!!!

Princess Army Wedding Combat

1. The Endless Quest To Free Konata From Her Prison Of Glass

2. Ceaseless Fealty To Our Immortal Empress (My Life At Your Command)

3. A Beauty As Proud As A Rose

4. Upon The Eve of Battle, The Banner of The SOS Brigade Flies Ever Glorious...

5. Osaka Owns Ye All!

6. 萌えの炎

7. Konata's Amaranthine Visage, A Cuteness Which Defies Mortal Calculation

8. Maidens of The Kaleidoscope9. Conquer With Kindness (No Mercy!)

10. Vainglorious Baniarla Upon Her Lofty Throne (Absolute Is Our Loyalty)

11. Prim and Frostkitten Kingdoms

12. Cute Hammaren

13. バカ 六番

14. The Female Commander of Galaxy Haunts

15. Death Kvte Armageddon

16. 女尊男卑の世界

17. As Cute As Possible

18. Hit Me Hard, My Little Miss

19. Pledge Thy Steel To The Queen of Versailles, Resplendent In Her Majesty

20. Revel In The Pride of Your Beauty (Ensorcelled Weapons of Wonder In The Hands of Courtly Lolitas)

21. Sexy Commando

22. Konataism

23. Phantasmagoria of Flower View

24. Noise Sounds Better With You


01. ダゾ!

02. らきすた

03. にょろーんちゅるやさん

04. ネギま!

05. ソニック・が・屁っをこっく

06. なせばなる七尾奈留

07. ふかーっ

08. セイバー麗しの騎士

09. プリキュア5

10. クロミ様大好き!
